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Gloria Polo


Gloria Polo, tidligere tandlæge, katolik og fra Caracas i Venezuela, døde efter at være ramt og forfærdelig forbrændt af et lynnedslag den 5. maj 1995 i Bogota i Columbia. Hun gik ind i en nærdødsoplevelse, hvor hun så sit liv i et tilbageblik, hvor hun blev dømt for at være i dødssynd, men hvor hun også fik givet den stor nåde at kunne vende tilbage til livet og blive helbredt.

Hør hendes spændende beretning, om hendes møde med Gud, og om hendes kald til at rejse rundt i hele verden og give vidnesbyrd. Der findes kortere beretninger på engelsk givet til Radio Maria i Columbia på hendes officielle hjemmeside /, men vedlagte nedskrevne vidnesbyrd er meget længere - på 81 sider - nedskrevet ved et møde den 5. maj 2005 i Caracas i Venezuela. Dette vidnesbyrd tager flere og vigtige aspekter med, så derfor har vi valgt at henvise til dette link. Hvis du vil downloade filen er det desværre ikke muligt at gøre dette uden betaling, men du kan læse hele beretningen her gratis med fuld skærm. Bemærk at det også er muligt at vælge hendes vidnedsbyrd givet ved foredrag på andre sprog.


The Testimony of Gloria Polo



Gloria Polo died after being terribly burned by a lightning bolt on May 5, 1995 in Bogotá, Colombia; she was judged, and then came back to life. … There is already translated into English a short testimony that Gloria Polo gave to Radio Maria in Colombia. The following testimony, instead, was given on May 5, 2005 in Caracas, Venezuela. It is much more complete and so one is able to enter into and to understand better this special experience of Gloria Polo, which I believe is a true gift from God for so many people today who, like Gloria Polo before her unpleasant incident, have fallen into the fundamental trap of Satan to believe they are good and holy, according to their freely embraced illusion and criteria from themselves, the world or Satan, but not according to the TRUTH. … It is so much more convenient to see ourselves in our own constructed, subjective mirror rather than seeing ourselves in the mirror of God who created us and has imprinted the truth in our very being! At death we will see our whole life and how we sought and lived the truth or how we accepted and freely embraced so many convenient illusions offered to us by the world or the devil or by ourselves. … I believe that this testimony is a real gift from God that will help many people of good will, who are not afraid to confront themselves with the truth, to convert themselves to the Truth and begin to live a new and fulfilling life with Jesus Christ. For us Catholics it will help us to make a good examination of conscience and then a good sacramental confession.

Link til andet og kortere vidnesbyrd oversat til engelsk