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The illumination of the conscience of every man, woman, and child on earth.
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The "Illumination" is purported to be a day in which God will supernaturally illuminate the conscience of every man, woman, and child on earth.
Each person will momentarily see the state of their soul through God's eyes and realize the truth of His existence.
This Event has been prophesied since the 12 century by Saints and visionaries and foretold by Our Blessed Mother. It is alluded to in The Bible as well.
I believe strongly that it will happen in the near future, in reading the current Messages of Medjugorje, their drastically changed tone, syntax, and words. Our Lady is stridently begging us to change our hearts and souls, warning us to realize our sinful nature.
I am totally open to being wrong in the timing, however, I feel that it also would be wrong to not at least write a note about the Illumination to let people know what it is, so they can be ready internally for it. It will happen at some point, and it is going to be very hard on those who are not ready for it. My friends know that I am not a fruitcake who goes off half cocked.
Let me make clear also that I am not saying that the "end of the world" is upon us. The Illumination is actually a grace that will be afforded us by God Almighty to correct ourselves, to "know that I am the Lord".
It has been referred to as the Illumination; the Mini-Judgement; the Warning -- a time of supernatural grace, where we will be brought to the God of the Ten Commandments as never before, where we are given the opportunity to clean our "spiritual houses" so to speak.
Miraculously, we shall see, in an instantaneous event, our moral track record- an accounting of good and bad we have done, from birth to present. We shall intimately feel the repercussions of every single act we have performed and the effects of that said act upon our soul, others, and God Almighty. Thoughts, words, deeds, and omissions of such.
The Saints have said that many will die from the shock of this "enlightenment".
Especially those who are like the Scribes and Pharisees. Interestingly, they will suffer the most. The ones who practice pious practices outwardly, but inside are rotten. Those who have been taught the Truth, but do not practice the Truth.
This could also be applied to those who were raised with faith, but don't "have the time" for it anymore.
Sr. Edmund prophesied in the 12th century about this event…
I pronounced a great day… wherein the terrible Judge should reveal all men’s consciences and try every man of each kind of religion. This is the day of change, this is the Great Day which I threatened, comfortable to the well-being, and terrible to all heretics. —St. Edmund Campion, Cobett’s Complete Collection of State Trials…, Vol. I, p. 1063.
Blessed Anna Maria Taigi (1769-1837), also prophesied of this Illumination, and she was accurate in other predictions as well.
She indicated that this illumination of conscience would result in the saving of many souls because many would repent as a result of this"warning"… this miracle of "self-illumination."
—Fr. Joseph Iannuzzi
One of the most Famous is St. Faustina of the Divine Mercy. She also is from the Early 20th century.
She wrote:
All light in the heavens will be extinguished, and there will be great darkness over the whole earth. Then the sign of the cross will be seen in the sky, and from the openings where the hands and the feet of the Savior were nailed will come forth great lights which will light up the earth for a period of time. This will take place shortly before the last day. — Diary of Divine Mercy, n. 83
Suddenly I saw the complete condition of my soul as God sees it. I could clearly see all that is displeasing to God. I did not know that even the smallest transgressions will have to be accounted for. What a moment! Who can describe it? To stand before the Thrice-Holy-God! —St. Faustina; Divine Mercy in My Soul
The Messages given By Our Blessed Mother:
October 2, 1992, message of Our Lady to Father Gobbi, founder of Marian Movement of Priests: “Your liberation will coincide with the termination of iniquity, with the complete liberation of all creation from the slavery of sin and evil. What will come to pass is something so very great that it will exceed anything that has taken place since the beginning of the world. It will be like a judgment in miniature, and each one will see his own life and all he has done, in the very light of God.”
To mystic Maria Esperanza (1928-2004- being considered for canonization) who stated Our Lady revealed to her:
Little children, the hour is soon approaching… and you will feel from within, that wonderful something, which communicates to the soul the quality of discernment of his presence among you! Little children, withdraw into silence… this is, and shall be the miracle of your own lives… see clearly and determine what is happening around you, in order to be in peace. And henceforth, live to bear witness and proclaim, in each hour of the day, the miracle of your own existence with a heart which beats with the Heart of my Divine Son, Jesus!
Our Lady of Carmel, Garabandal, Spain spoke to four little girls over a period of time in 1961. She revealed many things to them, and one was a "warning" of the Illumination of the Holy Spirit. She described it as such:
"the warning would come when conditions were at their worst. The warning comes directly from God and will be visible to the whole world and from any place where anyone many happen to be. It will be like the revelation of our sins and it will be seen and felt by everyone, believer and unbeliever alike irrespective of whatever religion he may belong to. It will be seen and felt in all parts of the world and by every person. First, a World-Wide Warning that will happen in the sky...like the collision of two stars that do not fall down... it will frighten all humanity regardless of where one happens to be at the time... it will be a thousand times worse than earthquakes... like a fire that will not burn our flesh ... it will last a very short time, although to us it will seem to be a very long time ... no one can prevent it from happening ... It will be recognized as coming from God... it will resemble a punishment ... it is meant to be a purification ... like the revelation of our sins and what we will feel in our hearts will be worse than sorrow. It will not kill us, if we die it will be caused by the emotion within us."
Our Lady revealed that this would happen before all four girls passed away.
Interestingly, Our Lady revealed the year in which this would happen to one of the little girls, Mari-Loli. Mari-Loli passed away in April 2009, while faithfully carrying this secret with her.
The Garabandal apparitions (contrary to many Internet sites) have not been condemned by the Church. It has yet to be ruled on officially at this time.
From the Bible:
“There will be wailing in all the streets and cries of anguish in every public square. The farmers will be summoned to weep and the mourners to wail. There will be wailing in all the vineyards, for I will pass through your midst,” says the LORD." Amos 5:14-17 (NIV)
" So I will come to put you on trial. I will be quick to testify against sorcerers, adulterers and perjurers, against those who defraud laborers of their wages, who oppress the widows and the fatherless, and deprive the foreigners among you of justice, but do not fear Me," says the LORD of hosts. Malachi 3:5 (NIV)
"On the day when I act,” says the LORD Almighty, “they will be my treasured possession. I will spare them, just as a father has compassion and spares his son who serves him. And you will again see the distinction between the righteous and the wicked, between those who serve God and those who do not." Malachi 3:18 (NIV)
"When they fall, they will receive a little help, and many who are not sincere will join them. Some of the wise will stumble, so that they may be refined, purified and made spotless until the time of the end, for it will still come at the appointed time.
The king will do as he pleases. He will exalt and magnify himself above every god and will say unheard-of things against the God of gods. He will be successful until the time of wrath is completed, for what has been determined must take place". Daniel 11:34-37 (NIV)
“At that time Michael, the great prince who protects your people, will arise. There will be a time of distress such as has not happened from the beginning of nations until then. But at that time your people—everyone whose name is found written in the book—will be delivered. Multitudes who sleep in the dust of the earth will awake: some to everlasting life, others to shame and everlasting contempt. Those who are wise will shine like the brightness of the heavens, and those who lead many to righteousness, like the stars for ever and ever." Daniel 12: 1-3 (NIV)
"Many will be purified, made spotless and refined, but the wicked will continue to be wicked. None of the wicked will understand, but those who are wise will understand." Daniel 12:10 (NIV)
"Because you have kept the word of My perseverance, I also will keep you from the hour of testing, that hour which is about to come upon the whole world, to test those who dwell on the earth." Revelation 3:10
I watched as he opened the sixth seal. There was a great earthquake. The sun turned black like sackcloth made of goat hair, the whole moon turned blood red, and the stars in the sky fell to earth, as figs drop from a fig tree when shaken by a strong wind. The heavens receded like a scroll being rolled up, and every mountain and island was removed from its place. Then the kings of the earth, the princes, the generals, the rich, the mighty, and everyone else, both slave and free, hid in caves and among the rocks of the mountains. They called to the mountains and the rocks, “Fall on us and hide us from the face of him who sits on the throne and from the wrath of the Lamb! For the great day of their wrath has come, and who can withstand it?” Revelation 6:12-17 (NIV)
How does Medjugorje tie into this? What is Medjugorje?
It is a place in Bosnia-Hercegovina where the Virgin Mary has been appearing and giving messages to six visionaries since June 24, 1981. In addition, she has dictated her life to selected visionaries of the six, which will be released when God has permitted.
In addition, she has also given three of the six visionaries 10 Warnings (Secrets)of things to come for the world. When all six visionaries have been given all 10 Warnings, Our Lady will be finished with her work here and "no longer appear again on this earth". The Warnings will come to pass before the deaths of the visionaries.
This is a huge statement, as apparitions of the Virgin Mary have been ongoing since her death in the first century.
Many people have purported that the visions have been "condemned" by the Catholic Church. This is not true. In fact, the Vatican has commissioned their first ever Commission to officially investigate these apparitions this past spring.
Moreover, this is an unheard of event, as the Vatican never investigates an apparition until years after it is over. However, given the longevity of Our Lady's appearances and the demand by the public, priests, bishops, and scientific community (which has done every scientific test known to man on these visionaries, before, during, and after the visions and cannot come up with any scientific way to debunk them) the Vatican has proceeded to investigate.
Pope John Paul II encouraged pilgrims to go to Medjugorje.
Many also believe that Medjugorje is a Satanic manifestation. It is a fair statement, as there are many true Satanic infestations of Marian apparitions worldwide. Satan can conjure himself to be anything he wishes, but it never lasts, and always reveals itself to be false in its teachings and its selfishness, eventually. It becomes "all about Mary", denies allowing any testing, refuses obedience… discernment is key. If it doesn't lead one closer to God and Christ, it is false. Period.
To those I simply ask if they have ever read the actual messages of Our Lady. Not an internet skewed version, but the published messages. She frequently recommends fasting, prayer and Confession, and mentions Christ and God in virtually every message as the way to eternal life.
Satan would not recommend fasting, prayer, and Confession. Jesus Christ himself in the Gospels said that prayer and fasting are the way to expel certain demons. Exorcists have stated that Confession is more powerful than an exorcism! Satan would never tell the faithful to do that which would destroy himself. As Christ said in the Gospels, Matthew 12:25 " “Every kingdom divided against itself will be ruined, and every city or household divided against itself will not stand." That is also another strong argument against those who believe that the Catholic Church is a satanic church. Sin is an instrument of Satan. Confession, prayer, and fasting are ways to destroy sin, and they are Scriptural.
So, how does Medjugorje tie in with my theory of impending Illumination?
Our Lady's messages over this past summer and into the fall have become more urgent, calling for recognition of sin, and she actually used the word "purification" for the very first time in 29 years in the message of September 2.
"Dear children. I am beside you because I desire to help you to overcome trials, which this time of purification puts before you. My children, one of those is not to forgive, and not to ask for forgiveness. Every sin offends Love and distances you from it – and Love is my Son. Therefore, my children, if you desire to walk with me towards the peace of God's love, you must learn to forgive and to ask for forgiveness. Thank you."
We are in the Great Tribulation, in my humble opinion. Do we really know how long it truly will last? God's time is not our time… why everyone thinks it will last 7 years is incomprehensible to me… Jesus himself said the time would be shortened for the elect, so therefore, we really don't know how long it will last. Decades, centuries, a few years… who knows?
We entering the time of purification. These messages are not to be taken lightly. Why would the God of the Universe send the Blessed Virgin Mary here for almost three decades?
Message of September 25, 2010:
"Dear children! Today I am with you and bless you all with my motherly blessing of peace, and I urge you to live your life of faith even more, because you are still weak and are not humble. I urge you, little children, to speak less and to work more on your personal conversion so that your witness may be fruitful. And may your life be unceasing prayer. Thank you for having responded to my call."
Personal conversion is not meant as a conversion to Catholicism. She simply means as a conversion to God and His Commandments.
Message of October 2, 2010:
"Dear children, Today I call you to a humble, my children, humble devotion. Your hearts need to be just. May your crosses be your means in the battle against the sins of the present time. May your weapon be patience and boundless love – a love that knows to wait and which will make you capable of recognizing God's signs – that your life, by humble love, may show the truth to all those who seek it in the darkness of lies. My children, my apostles, help me to open the paths to my Son. Once again I call you to pray for your shepherds. Alongside them, I will triumph. Thank you."
In the yearly message of March 18, 2010, Our Lady asked that we become her Apostles and warned of God being our judge:
"Dear children! Today I call you to love with all your heart and with all your soul. Pray for the gift of love, because when the soul loves it calls my Son to itself. My Son does not refuse those who call Him and who desire to live according to Him. Pray for those who do not comprehend love, who do not understand what it means to love. Pray that God may be their Father and not their Judge. My children, you be my apostles, be my river of love. I need you. Thank you. Now, In October, we are Apostles)
The shining stars that may be a source to lead others…
Message of October 25, 2010:
Dear children! May this time be a time of prayer for you. My call, little children, desires to be for you a call to decide to follow the way of conversion; therefore, pray and seek the intercession of all the saints. May they be for you an example, an incentive and a joy towards eternal life. Thank you for having responded to my call."
Message of November 2, 2010
Dear children; With motherly perseverance and love I am bringing you the light of life to destroy the darkness of death in you. Do not reject me, my children. Stop and look within yourselves and see how sinful you are. Be aware of your sins and pray for forgiveness. My children, you do not desire to accept that you are weak and little, but you can be strong and great by doing God's will. Give me your cleansed hearts that I may illuminate them with the light of life, my Son. Thank you."
I believe the Illumination of consciences is coming very shortly. The children of Garabandal were told that it would be during the reign of this current Pope.
I do not think that the Illumination is one of the 10 Secrets of Medjugorje. I think it is a precursor to those Secrets. Those Secrets are intricately linked to the ending bowls and trumpets of the Book of Revelations, in my opinion…
I think that the Illumination is revealed in the breaking of the 6th Scroll, however, just my opinion. I don't think that the breaking of that Scroll means that all that happens in that Scroll has to happen instantaneously. We have had a great earthquake (Haiti). Volcano activity worldwide is steadily increased over the past year. Let's see what the next month or so reveal. There is more in the Bible, however, this thread would be pages and pages longer than it already is, and I don't even know if anyone will read it anyway.
I am really not trying to shove any kind of religious ideology down anyone's throat. I am just trying to present a theory forth and get some intelligent conversation going. Please don't attack me about the veracity of the Bible, Catholicism, etc… this is about the Illumination. I don't want this to descend into an argument about whether Christ existed, whether Catholics worship Mary, whether Satan exists, and all that petty crap.
I also want to know if anyone else has studied the Illumination and has any good theories about it. Or has everyone just studied the end times?
Thanks for reading and God Bless~
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Af den amerikansk-irske mystiker
"Anne" en lægapostel.
Fremragende bog til evangelisering.
Giver håb og utrolig glæde. Indeholder også det bedste kapitel med beskrivelse af livet for helgener og apostlene i Himlen.
Engelsk udgave. Bog nr. 2.
Direction for Our Times.
323 sider
Pris: 258,00 kr
På lager.
Bestil bog her |
The Mist of Mercy.
Spiritual Warfare and Purgatory.
Af den amerikansk-irske mystiker
"Anne" en lægapostel.
Fremragende bog til evangelisering.
Giver håb og utrolig glæde. Indeholder også det bedste kapitel med beskrivelse af livet i Skærsilden, et sted du ikke vil undvære.
Engelsk udgave. Bog nr. 1.
Direction for Our Times.
233 sider
Pris: 221,00 kr
I restordre.
Bestil bog her |
The Revelation of Our United Hearts.
The Secrets Revealed.
Budskaber til den amerikanske mysiker,
Maureen Sweeney-Kyle.
Holy Love Ministry.
En praktisk lille bog hvor Jesus beskriver den nødvendige vej til helliggørelse og livet i
Den Guddommelige Vilje.
Engelsk udgave. 2. udgave.
Udgivet på mange andre sprog.
17 sider
Pris: 15,00 kr
På lager. Mange sprog.
Bestil bog her |
Lessons on the Virtues.
Messages to the Visionary,
Maureen Sweeney-Kyle.
Holy Love Ministry.
Engelsk udgave. 2. udgave.
Udgivet på andre sprog herunder tysk dog endnu ikke på dansk.
80 sider
Pris: 56,00 kr
Engelske udgaver på lager.
Bestil bog her |
Jesus is alive today.
(Engelsk udgave)
Jesus lebt heute.
(Tysk udgave).
Jesus vit aujourd' hui.
(Fransk udgave).
Af Sr. Margaritha Valappila.
215 sider
Ny pris:
100,00 kr
Bestil bog her
Bøger om kristne åbenbaringer i det 20. århundrede.
Årene 1900 - 1997.
Profetierne er uafsluttede, men selve åbenbaringen er afsluttet. |
Miraklet i Fatima.
Af Peter Bernhard Bjerke.
En fremragende lille bog om Jomfru Marias åbenbaringer i Fatima og deres betydning for hele verdens fremtid.
Norsk udgave.
142 sider
Pris i Danmark:
På lager.
150,00 kr
The Fatima Prophecies.
At the doorstep of the world.
En fremragende og dybdegående bog om Jomfru Marias åbenbaringer i Fatima og
deres betydning for hele verdens fremtid.
Af Thomas W. Petrisko.
Engelsk udgave.
428 sider
240,00 kr
På lager.
Bestil bog her
Fatima's Third Secret - Explained
Af Thomas W. Petrisko.
En dybdegående bog om Jomfru Marias åbenbaringer i Fatima med fokus på den
3. hemmelighed og dens betydning for
verdens fremtid.
Engelsk udgave.
118 sider
140,00 kr
På lager.
Bestil bog her
Our Lady of Fatima's Peace Plan
from Heaven.
Engelsk udgave.
Format: 9,5 x 15,2 cm
Antal sider: 30 sider
Sendes gratis efter anmodning sammen med alle bestillinger ved køb af bøger eller rosenkranse.
Diary - Divine Mercy in My Soul.
Af Faustina Kowalska.
Dagbogen med Jesu åbenbaringer til den polske nonne Skt. Faustina.
20x12,9x4,4 cm
700 sider eksl. 21 siders farvebilleder bagerst i bogen. På særligt kraftig glossy papir.
Engelsk udgave.
NY PRIS: 240,00 kr
Bestil bog her
Pocket udgave |
Diary - Divine Mercy in My Soul.
Af Faustina Kowalska.
Dagbogen med Jesu åbenbaringer til den polske nonne Skt. Faustina.
17,8x10,5x3,5 cm
Med billedgalleri i sort/hvide gråtoner bagerst i bogen.
Engelsk udgave.
700 sider eksl. 24 siders billedgalleri
PRIS: 195,00 kr.
Pocket udgaven er trykt på et tyndere papir og med mindre bogstaver end i originaludgaven, se ovenfor.
Bestil bog her
To My Priets.
Af den anerkendte mexikanske mystiker
Conception Cabrera de Armida.
Engelsk og spansk udgave.
301 sider i engelsk udgave, 672 sider i spansk udgave.
Pris: 198,00 kr
På lager.
Bestil bog her
Gives gratis til præster
i tjeneste i Den Katolske Kirke i Danmark. Skriv hvor du har embede og du får den gratis.
I denne bog taler Jesus gennem den "Ærværdige Conchita" direkte til sine præster om den vigtige sakramentale tjeneste, som præsterne har ladet sig kalde til. En fantastisk bog om mange forskellige emner og temaer, som Jesus ønsker at dele med Sine præster.
Bestil bog her |
Thy Kingdom Come!
The Life and Mission of
Luisa Piccarreta.
Af Hugh Owen.
Engelsk udgave.
138 sider
Pris: 143,00 kr
På lager.
Bestil bog her |
Be Faithful and attentive.
Af Robert T. Hart.
En håndbog.
Engelsk udgave.
928 sider. Indbundet.
Pris: 360,00 kr incl. bogmærker/farvebånd.
Desværre udsolgt, bedre andagtsbog findes ikke.
Udsolgt fra forlaget indtil videre.
Bestil bog her
Our Lady at Garabandal.
(Om Jomfru Marias åbenbaringer til 4
børn i den nordspanske by Garabandal
i 60-erne)
Af Judith M. Albright.
Engelsk udgave.
102 sider
Pris: 110,00 kr
To the Priests Our Lady's Beloved Sons.
Af den italienske mystiker og præst
Don Stefano Gobbi.
Engelsk udgave.
1078 sider
Pris: Donation efter aftale.
Bestil bog her
Bøger om kristne åbenbaringer i det 20. århundrede.
Årene 1900 - 2000.
Åbenbaringen er afsluttet. |
The Poem of The Man-God.
Af den italienske mystiker Maria Valtorta.
Engelsk udgave.
831 sider i 1. bind (alle bind i samme størrelsesorden).
Pris: 410,00 kr/bind.
Der 5 bind i serien, som Jesus har dikteret til Maria Valtorta
om hele Sit Liv fra Jomfru Marias fødsel og til hendes optagelse i Himlen mange
år efter, at Jesus opfor til Himlen.
Bestil bog her |
The Notebooks:
1) 1943
2) 1944
3) 1945-1950
Af den italienske mystiker Maria Valtorta.
Engelsk udgave.
625 sider
Pris: 330,00 kr / bog
Bestil bog her |
The 20 Mysteries of The Rosary.
Udvalgte beretninger fra den italienske mystiker Maria Valtortas store værk om Jesu liv.
Af den italienske mystiker Maria Valtorta.
Engelsk udgave.
238 sider
Pris: 170,00 kr
Bestil bog her
Our Lady of Kibeho.
Mary speaks to the the world from the heart of Africa.
Af Immaculée Ilibagiza with Steve Erwin.
Incl. 16 siders fotoserie.
221 sider + notatsider
Pris, indbundet: 210,00 kr
På lager.
Bestil bog her |
Bøger om kristne åbenbaringer i det 19. århundrede.
Årene ca. 1800 - 1900. |
The Dolorous Passion of
Our Lord Jesus Christ.
Af den tyske mystiker og saligkårede
Anne Catherine Emmerich.
Engelsk udgave.
382 sider
Pris: 295,00 kr
Bestil bog her |
The Dolorous Passion of
Our Lord Jesus Christ.
Af den tyske mystiker og saligkårede
Anne Catherine Emmerich.
Engelsk udgave.
GRATIS e-bog. Eksternt link.
NYHED hos Profeti i februar 2012.
I Bernadettes fodspor.
Budskabet fra Lourdes i lyset af den
bibelske tradition.
Af Lillesøster Bernadette Colette
af Jesus.
Dansk udgave.
80 sider
Pris: 145,00 kr
Bestil bog her |
Bøger om kristne åbenbaringer fra det 16. til det 18. århundrede. År 1500 - 1800. |
City of God.
Af den spanske mystiker og helgen
Mary of Agreda.
Engelsk 1-binds udgave.
794 sider
Pris: 280,00 kr
Udsolgt |
Bøger om kristne åbenbaringer i middelalderen og op til det
16. århundrede. År 1100 - 1500. |
Den ildfyldte kraft.
Af Kirsten Kjærulff.
Dansk udgave.
253 sider
Pris: 195,00 kr
Bestil bog her |
Om Jomfru Maria for voksne, børn og unge. |
MARIA i Biblen og i vort liv.
Af Wilfrid Stinissen, OCD.
Dansk udgave.
134 sider
130,00 kr
Bestil bog her |
Andagtsbøger, bønnebøger og bedekort. |
Dansk udgave udgivet af Profeti.
Pris: 20,00 kr
Ring for mængderabat
eller forhandlerrabat.
( I restordre).
Bed med hjertet
Af Fader Slavko Barbaric.
Oversat fra den engelske udgave:
Pray with the Heart.
Dansk udgave, 2. udgave 2004.
179 sider
Pris: 100,00 kr
På lager
Bestil bog her
Af Charlotte Olden Jørgensen og
Ingeborg Lowsen.
Dansk udgave, 2003.
62 sider
Pris: 50,00 kr
Mange på lager.
Bestil bog her |
Lær os at bede.
Katolsk bønnebog.
Dansk udgave.
Indbundet, 2. udgave 2006 .
128 sider
Pris: 150,00 kr
På lager..
Bestil bog her |
Ved Guds Hånd.
Katolsk bønnebog.
Dansk udgave.
Indbundet, 2. udgave 2005
120 sider
Pris: 98,00 kr
På lager.
Bestil bog her |
En Maria-bønnebog.
Dansk udgave, 1999.
166 sider
Pris: 98,00 kr
på lager.
Bestil bog her |
United Hearts Book of Prayers and Meditations.
Messages to the Visionary,
Maureen Sweeney-Kyle.
Holy Love Ministry.
Engelsk udgave.
224 sider
Pris: 90,00 kr
På lager.
Se flere bøger af Maureen Sweeney-Kyle under "Kristne åbenbaringer i det 20. og 21. århundrede".
Bestil bog her |
Af Sebastian Olden-Jørgensen.
Dansk udgave 2002.
39 sider
Pris: 50,00 kr
På lager.
Bestil bog her
Kom Helligånd - en pinsenovene.
Tekst ved
Sebastian Olden-Jørgensen.
Dansk udgave 2005.
28 sider
Pris: 50,00 kr
På lager.
Bestil bog her
Preparation for Total Consecration.
Af St. Louis De Montfort.
Engelsk og spansk udgave.
84 sider
Gratis efter anmodning og kan vedlægges i forsendelse i forbindelse
med andre bestillinger.
Mange på lager. |
Bøger om bøn (ikke andagts-bøger, som ses længere nede i næste rubrik). |
"I am the Lady of th.e Rosary" the Virgin Mary told the three shepherd children at Fatima on October 13, 1917.
Our Lady needs a Crusade, a Rosary Crusade - and perhaps it
will be... The Last Cusade.
Af Thomas W. Petrisko.
Engelsk udgave.
74 sider
Pris: 130,00 kr
På lager.
Bestil bog her
Af Rev. Albert J. M. Shamon.
Engelsk udgave.
44 sider
Pris: 56,00 kr
Mange på lager.
Bestil bog her
Af Catherine Beebe.
Engelsk udgave.
Antal sider: 161
Pris: 125,00 kr
1 bog på lager.
Bestil bog her
Gudsmoders Rosenkrans.
Af Romano Guardini.
Dansk udgave.
57 sider
Pris: 24,00 kr
På lager.
Bestil bog her
Our Lady gives the World the
the Rosary of the Unborn.
Messages to the Visionary,
Maureen Sweeney-Kyle.
Holy Love Ministry.
Engelsk udgave. 2. udgave.
Udgivet på mange andre sprog dog
endnu ikke på dansk.
37 sider
Pris: 20,00 kr
På lager. På mange sprog.
Se flere bøger af
Maureen Sweeney-Kyle
under "Kristne åbenbaringer i det
20. og 21. århundrede" og under "Andagtsbøger ..." samt "Bøger om livet efter døden ...".
Se også rosenkransene nederst på siden under rubrikken med rosenkranse.
Bestil bog her
Following the Lord's Call.
Af Mary Crist.
Engelsk udgave.
107 sider
Pris: 120,00 kr
Til bedegupper: Ring
På lager.
Bestil bog her |
My journey of living in the Lord.
Af Mary Crist.
Engelsk udgave.
100 sider
Pris: 120,00 kr
Til bedegupper: Ring
På lager.
Bestil bog her |
Becoming a Livng Prayer.
Af Mary Crist.
Amerikansk mystiker.
Engelsk udgave.
100 sider
Pris: 120,00 kr
Til bedegupper: Ring
På lager.
Bestil bog her |
Bøger om faste. |
Fast with the Heart.
Af Fr. Slavko Barbaric.
Engelsk udgave.
228 sider
Pris: 130,00 kr
Mange på lager.
Bestil bog her |
Bøger om skriftemål. |
- en vej til forsoning og åndelig vækst.
Af Wilfrid Stinissen &
David Vincent Nielsen.
Dansk udgave.
57 sider
Pris: 65,00 kr
Nedsat pris: 50,00 kr
Mange på lager.
Bestil bog her |
Give Me Your Wounded Heart
Confession - Why? and How?
Af Fr. Slavko Barbaric.
Engelsk udgave.
130 sider
Ordinær pris: 130,00 kr
Bogklub pris: 100,00 kr
På lager.
Bestil bog her |
Our Lady Says:
Monthly Confession -
Remedy for the West.
Af Albert Joseph Mary Shamon.
Engelsk udgave.
70 sider
Pris: 50,00 kr
På lager.
Bestil bog her |
Bøger om livet efter døden beskrevet og åbenbaret af Jesus, Jomfru Maria, helgener eller engle til kristne mystikere. |
"Get Us Out Of Here".
Maria Simma speaks with Nicky Eltz.
"Get Us Out Of Here".
Maria Simma fik nådegaven at kunne
tale med sjælene i Skærsilden.
Læs denne spændende bog, og hør
hvordan dette kan lade sig gøre. Det har
intet med spiritisme at gøre, hvilket der i bogen advares kraftigt imod, men en
særlig guddommelig nådegave.
Engelsk udgave.
343 sider
Pris: 210,00 kr
Bestil bog her
The Mist of Mercy.
Spiritual Warfare and Purgatory.
Af den amerikansk-irske mystiker
"Anne" en lægapostel.
Fremragende bog til evangelisering.
Giver håb og utrolig glæde. Indeholder også det bedste kapitel med beskrivelse af livet i Skærsilden, et sted du ikke vil undvære.
Engelsk udgave. Bog nr. 1.
Direction for Our Times.
233 sider.
Pris: 221,00 kr
I restordre.
Bestil bog her |
Make it known.
Budskaber til mystikeren og seeren,
Maureen Sweeney-Kyle.
Holy Love Ministry.
Engelsk udgave.
59 sider
Pris: 52,00 kr
Se flere bøger af
Maureen Sweeney-Kyle
under "Kristne åbenbaringer i det
20. og 21. århundrede" og under "Andagtsbøger ...".
Bestil bog her
Divine Providence.
A different vision about death.
The Testamony of Catalina on the Sacraments of Reconciliation and the Anointing of the Sick.
Af Catalina Rivas, mystiker fra Bolivia.
Engelsk udgave. Kan også købes på spansk.
34 sider.
Pris: 50,00 kr
Engelske udgaver lagerføres.
Se flere bøger af Catalina Rivas
under "Kristne åbenbaringer i det 20.
og 21. århundrede" og under "Andagtsbøger ...".
Bestil bog her |
An Unpublished Manuscript On Purgatory
Af Sister M. de L.C.
Om en nonnes ekstraordinære samtaler gennem 16 år med en afdød nonne i Skærsilden.
NYHED hos Profeti i juni 2011.
Gratis e-bog
The Amazing Secret of the Souls in Purgatory.
An interview with Maria Simma.
Af Søster Emanuel fra Medjugorje.
Søster Emanuel fra Medjugorje interviewer mystikeren Maria Simma om hendes erfaringer og samtaler med sjælene i Skærsilden.
NYHED hos Profeti i juni 2011.
Gratis e-bog
Bøger om engle eller om engle beskrevet i åbenbaringer til mystikere. |
As given to "Anne", a lay apostle.
Af "Anne" - en lægapostel.
Direction for Our Times.
Engelsk udgave.
65 sider
Pris: 78,00 kr
På lager.
Bestil bog her
Angels (and Demons).
What do we really know about them?
Af Peter Kreeft.
Engelsk udgave.
157 sider
Pris: 142,00 kr
1 bog på lager.
Bestil bog her
Bøger om spiritualitet og åndelig vækst. |
Helbredelse ved Helligånden.
Indre helbredelse og befrielse i Kirken
i dag.
Af Jim McManus C. Ss. R.
Dansk udgave.
104 sider
Pris: 125,00 kr
NEDSAT: 80,00 kr
Mange på lager.
Bestil bog her |
Bøger om andre aktuelle
mystikere eller helgener. |
The Father speaks to His children.
Af Mother Eugenia.
Engelsk udgave.
64 sider
Pris: For trykt udgave: DONATION.
Bestil bog her |
Bøger om kristne tegn, symboler og brug af sakramentalier. |
The Miraculous Medal
Af Fr. Giuseppe Brioschi sdb.
Engelsk udgave.
192 sider
Pris i Danmark: 75,00 kr
På lager.
Bøger om det kristne syn på
New Age. |
Ransomed from darkness.
The New Age, Christian Faith and the Battle for Souls.
Af Moira Noonan.
Engelsk udgave 2005.
176 sider
Pris: 110,00 kr
Udsolgt hos Profeti sep. 2012
Bestil bog her |
Udvalgte rosenkranse fra www.rosenkransen.dk |
Rosenkransen for de ufødte børn.
Rosary for the unborn.
1-leds rosenkrans. Rosenkransen har små plastperler med ilagte ikoner af små fostre. Læs mere om denne rosenkrans og de guddommelige løfter, der er forbundet med at bede denne rosenkrans.
Pris: 88,00 kr
På lager.
Bestillingsnr. RO/PL/UFØDTES-1led
Bestil rosenkrans her
Husk at få bønnebogen med, se her
Rosenkransen for de ufødte børn.
Rosary for the unborn.
5-leds rosenkrans. Rosenkransen har små plastperler med ilagte ikoner af små fostre. Læs mere om denne rosenkrans og de guddommelige løfter, der er forbundet med at bede denne rosenkrans.
Pris: 200,00 kr
Mange på lager.
Bestillingsnr. RO/PL/UFØDTES-5led
Bestil rosenkrans her
Husk at få bønnebogen med, se her
Rosenkrans i træ, blåbejdset fra Medjugorje.
Kort rosenkrans bundet på brun snor.
Trækors med bejdset indskrift på den ene side "Medjugorje".
Pris: 40,00 kr
På lager.
Bestillingsnr. RO/TR/23 blåbejdset/natur
Find flere rosenkranse på dette link
Bestil rosenkrans her
Rosenkrans af granitsten fra Medjugorje.
Mellemlang rosenkrans med sølvmetalkæde og metalkrucifiks.
Længde og krucifiks kan variere.
Pris: 165,00 kr
På lager.
Bestillingsnr. RO/ST/21
Find flere rosenkranse på dette link
Bestil rosenkrans her
Rosenkrans af tørrede og efterbehandlede bær.
Mother Theresas rosenkrans - også kaldet "Jobs tårer".
Krucifiks kan variere i type.
1) Lang rosenkrans med sølvmetalkæde og metalkrucifiks.
Pris: 265,00 kr
På lager.
Bestillingsnr. RO/BÆ/22/ME
Find flere rosenkranse på dette link
2) Kortere rosenkrans bundet på
brun snor.
Særlig tilbud så længe lager haves:
180,00 kr
På lager.
Bestillingsnr. RO/BÆ/22/SN
Find flere rosenkranse på dette link
Bestil rosenkrans her
Jesusplakater i forskellige formater med eller uden hvid kant.
1) Farve: 4-farve tryk, specialtryk.
Kan leveres i forskellige farvenuancer.
Bagside: Hvid bagside
Format: efter aftale - fra A4 format og opefter til A0.
Billede kan lamineres efter behov
Plakater med laminering kan kun leveres mod forudbestilling 8-10 dage før evt. brug til foredrag eller udstilling o.l.
3) Billede kan også leveres på lærred og indrammet i svæveramme.
Format efter aftale.
Bestil plakat her
Bestillingsnr: PLAKAT/JESUS + beskrivelse for præcise mål og udgave med eller uden ramme, og vi kontakter dig eller ring til os på tel. 86277058.
Fremsendes i separat plakatrør. |
Format: 24x34,2 cm
Farve: 4-farve tryk, specialtryk
Bagside: Hvid bagside
24x32,5 cm + 1,7 cm hvid underkant
Pris: 38,00 kr per stk
På lager.
Ved emballering i separat plakatrør:
+ 11,00 kr
Bestil plakat her |
Format: 35x46 cm.
Farve: 4-farve tryk, specialtryk
Bagside: Hvid bagside
35x46 cm (incl. 4 mm hvid yderkant)
Pris: 60,00 kr per stk
På lager.
Ved emballering i separat plakatrør:
+ 13,00 kr
Bestil plakat her |
Format: 50x70 cm.
Farve: 4-farve tryk, specialtryk
Bagside: Hvid bagside
50x70 cm (med 9 mm hvid yderkant)
Pris: 80,00 kr per stk
På lager.
Ved emballering i separat plakatrør:
+ 17,00 kr
Bestil plakat her |
Jesusplakat i A4 format med hvid yderkant.
(Profetis udgave/egenproduktion efter Jesu ligklæde)
Farve: 4-farve tryk, specialtryk
Bagside: Hvid bagside
Format: A4 - 21x29,4 cm
Pris: 35,00 kr per stk
På lager.
Bestillingsnr: PLAKAT/JESUS-P1-MK-A4
Ved emballering i separat plakatrør:
+ 11,00 kr
Bestil plakat her
Jesusplakat i A3 format med hvid yderkant.
(Profetis udgave/egenproduktion efter Jesu ligklæde)
Farve: 4-farve tryk, specialtryk
Bagside: Hvid bagside
Format: A3 - 30x40 cm
Pris: 50,00 kr per stk
På lager.
Bestillingsnr: PLAKAT/JESUS-P1-MK-A3
Ved emballering i separat plakatrør:
+ 11,00 kr
Bestil plakat her
Jesusplakat i A3 format uden hvid yderkant.
(Profetis udgave/egenproduktion efter Jesu ligklæde)
Farve: 4-farve tryk, specialtryk
Bagside: Hvid bagside
Format: A3 - 30x40 cm
Pris: 50,00 kr per stk
På lager.
Bestillingsnr: PLAKAT/JESUS-P1-UK-A4
Ved emballering i separat plakatrør:
+ 11,00 kr
Bestil plakat her
Plakat med Jesus i bøn.
Format: 20x25 cm.
Farve: 4-farve tryk.
Bagside: Hvid bagside
Format: 20x25 cm (uden hvid yderkant)
Pris: 25,00 kr per stk
På lager.
Ved emballering i separat plakatrør:
+ 11,00 kr
Bestil plakat her |
Plakat med Jesus i bøn.
Format: 20x25 cm.
Farve: 4-farve tryk.
Bagside: Hvid bagside
Format: 20x25 cm (uden hvid yderkant)
Pris: 25,00 kr per stk
På lager.
Ved emballering i separat plakatrør:
+ 11,00 kr
Bestil plakat her |
Plakat med Jesus i bøn.
Format: 30x40 cm.
Med guldstænk i billede.
Farve: 4-farve tryk.
Bagside: Hvid bagside
Format: 30x40 cm (uden hvid yderkant)
Pris: 55,00 kr per stk
På lager.
Ved emballering i separat plakatrør:
+ 11,00 kr
Bestil plakat her |
Plakat med Jesus i bøn.
Format: 35x45 cm.
Farve: 4-farve tryk.
Bagside: Hvid bagside
35x45 cm (incl. 2,5 cm hvid yderkant).
I den hvide kant forneden er der påtrykt "CRISTO IN MEDITAZIONE"
Pris: 60,00 kr per stk
På lager.
Ved emballering i separat plakatrør:
+ 13,00 kr
NYHED hos Profeti i juli 2011.
Bestil plakat her |
Plakat med Jesus i bøn.
Format: 50x70 cm.
Farve: 4-farve tryk.
Bagside: Hvid bagside
50x70 cm (med. 9 mm hvid yderkant)
Pris: 80,00 kr per stk
På lager.
Ved emballering i separat plakatrør:
+ 17,00 kr
Bestil plakat her |
Divine Mercy plakat med
Den Barmhjertige Jesus.
Med guldstænk i billede.
Format: 30x40 cm.
Farve: 4-farve tryk, specialtryk
Bagside: Hvid bagside
30x40 cm (uden hvid yderkant)
Pris: 55,00 kr per stk
På lager.
Ved emballering i separat plakatrør:
+ 11,00 kr
Bestil plakat her |
Divine Mercy plakat med
Den Barmhjertige Jesus.
Format: 50x70 cm.
Farve: 4-farve tryk, specialtryk
Bagside: Hvid bagside
50x70 cm (med. 9 mm hvid yderkant)
Pris: 80,00 kr per stk
På lager.
Ved emballering i separat plakatrør:
+ 17,00 kr
Bestil plakat her |
Divine Mercy plakat med
Den Barmhjertige Jesus.
Format: 70x100 cm.
Farve: 4-farve tryk, specialtryk
Bagside: Hvid bagside
70x100 cm (med. 9 mm hvid yderkant)
Dobbelt så stor en plakat som 50x70 cm
Pris: 120,00 kr per stk
På lager.
Ved emballering i separat plakatrør:
+ 17,00 kr
Bestil plakat her |
Jesus plakat.
Format: 20x25 cm.
Farve: 4-farve tryk.
Bagside: Hvid bagside
Format: 20x25 cm (uden hvid yderkant)
Pris: 25,00 kr per stk
På lager.
Ved emballering i separat plakatrør:
+ 11,00 kr
Bestil plakat her |
Jesus plakat.
Format: 20x25 cm.
Farve: 4-farve tryk.
Bagside: Hvid bagside
Format: 20x25 cm (uden hvid yderkant)
Pris: 25,00 kr per stk
På lager.
Ved emballering i separat plakatrør:
+ 11,00 kr
Bestil plakat her |
Jomfru Maria
Format: 20x25 cm.
Farve: 4-farve tryk.
Bagside: Hvid bagside
20x25 cm cm (uden hvid yderkant)
Pris: 25,00 kr per stk
På lager.
Ved emballering i separat plakatrør:
+ 11,00 kr
Bestil plakat her |
Jomfru Maria. Rosa Mystica.
Format: 21x30 cm.
Farve: 4-farve tryk.
21x29,7 cm cm (uden hvid yderkant)
Der betales dog for forsendelse, hvis plakat sendes med post. Postkortformatet sendes som standdard med ved alle bestillinger.
Mange på lager.
Bestil plakat her |
Jesuskort (efter Jesu ligklæde).
Farve: 4-farve tryk
Bagside: Med postkort design
Format: Postkort 10,5 x 15 cm
Pris: 3,00 kr per stk
På lager.
Bestillingsnr: PKORT/JESUS-1-10,5x15
Bestil postkort her
Jesuskort (efter Jesu ligklæde).
Farve: Brun/hvid
Bagside: Med postkort design
Format: Postkort 10,5 x 15 cm
Pris: 3,00 kr per stk
På lager.
Bestillingsnr: PKORT/JESUS-1B-10,5x15
Bestil postkort her
Jesus med hostien og kalken.
Med guldstænk i billede.
Farve: 4-farve tryk
Bagside: Med postkort design
Format: Postkort 10,5 x 15 cm
Pris: 3,00 kr per stk
På lager.
Bestillingsnr: PKORT/JESUS-6-10,5x15
Bestil postkort her
Billede med Jesus i bøn.
Farve: 4-farve tryk
Bagside: Med postkort design
Format: Postkort 10,5 x 15 cm
Pris: 3,00 kr per stk
På lager.
Bestillingsnr: PKORT/JESUS-2-10,5x15
Bestil postkort her
Divine Mercy. Billede med
Den Barmhjertige Jesus.
Farve: 4-farve tryk
Bagside: Med postkort design
Format: Postkort 10,5 x 15 cm
Pris: 3,00 kr per stk
På lager.
Bestillingsnr: PKORT/JESUS-4-10,5x15
Bestil postkort her |
Divine Mercy billede med Pave Johannes Paul II.
Farve: 4-farve tryk
Bagside: Med postkort design
Format: Postkort 10,5 x 15 cm
Pris: 3,00 kr per stk
På lager.
Bestillingsnr: PKORT/JESUS-5-10,5x15
Bestil postkort her
Postkort og gavekort |
Jesus i Emmaus.
Billede af C. H. Bloch.
Farve: 4-farve tryk
Bagside: Med postkort design
Format: Postkort 10,5 x 15 cm
Pris: 3,00 kr per stk
På lager.
Bestillingsnr: PKORT/BIBEL-1-10,5x15
Bestil postkort her
Jesus prædiker.
Billede af C. H. Bloch.
Farve: 4-farve tryk
Bagside: Hvid bagside
Format: 7x12 cm
Pris: 2,00 kr per stk
På lager.
Bestillingsnr: GKORT/BIBEL-2-7x12
Bestil postkort her
Jesu opstandelse.
Billede af C. H. Bloch.
Farve: 4-farve tryk
Bagside: Hvid bagside
Format: 7x12 cm
Pris: 2,00 kr per stk
På lager.
Bestillingsnr: GKORT/BIBEL-3-7x12
Bestil postkort her
Jesu Himmelfart.
Billede af H. v. Raphael.
Farve: 4-farve tryk
Bagside: Hvid bagside
Format: 7x12 cm
Pris: 2,00 kr per stk
På lager.
Bestillingsnr: GKORT/BIBEL-4-7x12
Bestil postkort her
JESUS - DOBBELTKORT 10,5x15 cm |
Billede med Jesus i bøn.
Farve: 4-farve tryk
2 blanke, hvide indersider og bagside.
Format: Dobbeltkort 10,5 x 15 cm +
hvid kuvert.
Pris: 6,75 kr per stk
På lager.
Bestillingsnr: DKORT/JESUS-2-10,5x15
Bestil postkort her |
Divine Mercy. Billede med
Den Barmhjertige Jesus.
Farve: 4-farve tryk
2 blanke, hvide indersider og bagside.
Format: Dobbeltkort 10,5 x 15 cm +
hvid kuvert.
Pris: 6,75 kr per stk
På lager.
Bestillingsnr: DKORT/JESUS-4-10,5x15
Bestil postkort her |
Jesuskort (efter Jesu ligklæde).
Farve: 4-farve tryk
Bagside: Hvid bagside
Format: 7 x 12 cm
Pris: 2,00 kr per stk
På lager.
Bestillingsnr: GKORT/JESUS-1-7x12
Bestil kort her
Billede med Jesus i bøn.
Farve: 4-farve tryk
Bagside: Hvid bagside
Format: 7 x 12 cm
Pris: 2,00 kr per stk
På lager.
Bestillingsnr: GKORT/JESUS-2-7x12
Bestil kort her
Divine Mercy. Billede med
Den Barmhjertige Jesus.
Farve: 4-farve tryk
Bagside: Hvid bagside
Format: 7 x 12 cm
Pris: 2,00 kr per stk
På lager.
Bestillingsnr: GKORT/JESUS-4-7x12
Bestil kort her
Divine Mercy.
Billede med Den Barmhjertige Jesus.
Farve: 4-farve tryk
Bagside: Hvid bagside
Format: 6x10,5 cm
Pris: 2,00 kr per stk
På lager.
Best.nr: GKORT/JESUS-OVALBL-4-6x10,5
Bestil kort her
Divine Mercy.
Billede med Den Barmhjertige Jesus.
Let bølgede sider og kanter på nubret papir med antik udseende.
Farve: 4-farve tryk
Bagside: Hvid bagside
Format: 6x10,5 cm
Pris: 2,00 kr per stk
På lager.
Best.nr: GKORT/JESUS-OVALANT-4-6x10,5
Bestil kort her
Jesuskort (efter Jesu ligklæde).
Farve: 4-farve tryk
Bagside: Hvid bagside
Format: 4,7 x 7,5 cm
Pris: 1,00 kr per stk
På lager.
Bestillingsnr: SKORT/JESUS-1-7x12
Bestil kort her
Jesuskort (efter Jesu ligklæde).
Farve: Brun/hvid
Bagside: Hvid bagside
Format: 5,2 x 7,8 cm incl. undertekst
Med afrundede hjørner
Pris: 1,00 kr per stk
På lager.
Bestillingsnr: SKORT/JESUS-1B-5,2x7,8
Bestil kort her
Fra Jesu ligklæde. Jesu ansigt.
Farve: Brun/hvid
Type: Ark med klistermærker
Format: 2 x 3 cm med 18 stk på et ark
Pris: 6,00 kr per ark.
På lager.
Bestillingsnr: KLIST/LIGKLÆDE-890/18-2x3
Bestil klistermærker her
Den Barmhjertige Jesus. Divine Mercy.
Billedet er fra de anerkendte Jesus åbenbaringer til Sankt Faustina.
Farve: Brun/hvid
Type: Ark med klistermærker
Format: 2 x 3 cm med 18 stk på et ark
Pris: 6,00 kr per ark.
På lager.
Bestillingsnr: KLIST/DIVMERCY-33/18-2x3
Bestil klistermærker her
Jomfru Maria billede fra Medjugorje.
Farve: 4-farvetryk.
Type: Ark med klistermærker
Format: 2 x 3 cm med 18 stk på et ark
Pris: 6,00 kr per ark.
På lager.
Bestillingsnr: KLIST/MARIA-34/18-2x3
Bestil klistermærker her
Gavekort og postkort |
Jomfru Maria som barn med sin mor
Sankt Anna.
Farve: 4-farve tryk
Bagside: Hvid bagside
Format: 7 x 12 cm
Pris: 2,00 kr per stk
På lager.
Bestillingsnr: GKORT/MARIABARN-7x12
Bestil kort her
Jomfru Maria af Karmel.
Jomfru Maria med Jesusbarnet, hvor de hver især bærer det brune skapular.
Farve: 4-farve tryk
Bagside: Hvid bagside
Format: 7 x 12 cm
Pris: 2,00 kr per stk
På lager.
Bestil kort her
Jomfru Maria af Karmel.
Jomfru Maria med Jesusbarnet, hvor de hver især bærer det brune skapular.
Farve: 4-farve tryk
Bagside: Hvid bagside
Format: 6 x 10,5 cm
Pris: 2,00 kr per stk
På lager.
Bestil kort her
Jomfru Maria med barn.
Med guldstænk i billede.
Farve: 4-farve tryk
Bagside: Postkort 10,5 x 15 cm
Format: 10,5x15 cm
Pris: 3,00 kr per stk
På lager.
Bestil kort her
Kan også købes opsat på træramme til ophæng.
Postkort |
Jomfru Maria og Sankt Josef med Jesusbarnet.
Med guldstænk i billede.
Farve: 4-farve tryk
Bagside: Postkort 10,5 x 15 cm
Format: 10,5x15 cm
Pris: 3,00 kr per stk
På lager.
Bestil kort her
Jomfru Maria og Sankt Josef med Jesusbarnet.
Med guldstænk i billede.
Farve: 4-farve tryk
Bagside: Postkort 10,5 x 15 cm
Format: 10,5x15 cm
Pris: 3,00 kr per stk
På lager.
Bestil kort her
Kan også købes som bogmærke og magnet.
Sankt Therese med roser
Farve: 4-farve tryk
Bagside: Med postkort design
Format: Postkort 10,5 x 15 cm
Pris: 3,00 kr per stk
På lager.
Bestillingsnr: PKORT/THERESE-1-10,5x15
Bestil postkort her
Pater Pio - Sideportræt
Farve: Brun/hvid
Bagside: Med postkort design
Format: Postkort 10,5 x 15 cm
Pris: 3,00 kr per stk
På lager.
Bestillingsnr: PKORT/PIO-1B-10,5x15
Bestil postkort her
Pater Pio - Portræt
Farve: 4-farve tryk
Bagside: Med postkort design
Format: Postkort
Pris: 3,00 kr per stk
På lager.
Bestillingsnr: PKORT/PIO-2-10,5x15
Bestil postkort her
2 børn med skytsengel på bro.
Farve: 4-farve tryk
Bagside: Hvid bagside
Format: 7 x 12 cm
Pris: 2,00 kr per stk
På lager.
Bestillingsnr: GKORT/ENGEL-7x12
Bestil kort her
2 børn med skytsengel på bro.
Farve: 4-farve tryk
Bagside: Med postkort design
Format: Postkort 10,5 x 15 cm
Pris: 3,00 kr per stk
På lager.
Bestillingsnr: PKORT/ENGEL-2-10,5x15
Bestil kort her
Gavekort |
Kande med vand / vin og vedlagt brød.
Farve: 4-farve tryk
Bagside: Hvid bagside
Format: 7 x 12 cm
Pris: 2,00 kr per stk
På lager.
Bestil.nr: GKORT/BROEDVAND-1-10,5x15
Bestil kort her
Vi har mange flere forskellige kort på lager og i mange forskellige størrelser.
Alle kort vil senere blive vist på selvstændige sider.
Vi har mange kristne julekort, både som enkeltkort og som dobbeltkort med kuvert. |
Kontakt til Profeti:
Telefonisk: 86277058
Bedst mellem kl. 18 og 20 eller på
E-mail: mail@profeti.dk |