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Be Faithful And Attentive

Af Robert T. Hart

Be Faithful And Attentive
A Handbook For Living In
The Divine Will.

Af Robert T. Hart.

Engelsk udgave.
Format: 19,8 x 14,2 cm
Antal sider: 928 sider
(papirkvaliteten er den samme som
ved trykning af bibel)

Ordinær pris: 360,00 kr
(med bogmærker/farvebånd)

Bogklubpris: 320,00 kr
(med bogmærker/ farvebånd)

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Be Faithful and Attentive:
A Handbook for Living in the Divine Will

Overview of the Book
Table of Contents

Web-edition Copyright © A.D. 2008 Robert T. Hart
All Rights Reserved

Ecclesiastically Approved

Original Printed Edition Reviewed and Approved by
+ B. J. Hickey — Perth 2004

The excerpts of Be Faithful and Attentive offered here may be copied and printed for one's own use and for discussion groups.  The right to publish this book or any of its parts remains exclusively with the author, Robert T. Hart, and the Luisa Piccarreta Center for the Divine Will.

(The Luisa Piccarreta Center for the Divine Will is not
affiliated with

If you find this book beneficial, I sincerely request your
prayers — I, who did the work of compiling it, yet still have
much to do to put its teaching into practice.  Thank you.

Robert T. Hart

(NOTE: There is a work entitled Soyez fidèles et attentifs which is an attempted French version in four "cahiers" (i.e. notebooks) of Be Faithful and Attentive.  It was published by the Association Franco-Canandienne Luisa Piccarreta of Québec.  Despite what may be said on the first page of some of these "cahiers," I have never given my approval to any of these publications.  This is because in certain places the publishers took the liberty of freely editing my work as they saw fit.  In 2007 I asked the Association to stop publishing these faulty translations and I am happy to state that they have willingly obliged.   — Robert T. Hart)

(Top of Page)

Be Faithful and Attentive, by Robert T. Hart, is meant to serve as a "Handbook" giving practical instruction to those souls wishing to embrace the spirituality of Living in the Divine Will — a spirituality given to us by God through the instrumentality of the Italian mystic and Servant of God, Luisa Piccarreta in her spiritual diary, the Book of Heaven.  Hart's 928-page "Handbook" is composed of two books in one volume.  Book One contains 17 chapters designed to help readers both understand and practice the spirituality of Living in the Divine Will.  Book Two is a collection of various "Rounds" in the Divine Will — the special manner of prayer requested by Our Lord through Luisa to beg that his Kingdom come.  You will find various chapters from the book available for viewing in the table of contents below.

Be Faithful and Attentive is not intended as a book for beginners who have had no instruction in Luisa's spiritual doctrine. 

We are happy to announce, however, that the same Mr. Hart has recently completed an introductory book called, The Secret of the Divine Will, to fulfill this need.  It is presently awaiting ecclesiastical approval for publication.  Once obtained, we hope to provide a small abridged version of this new book entitled, Sicut in Cælo et in Terra, (On Earth as it is in Heaven) on our free downloadable booklets page.  Look for it there in the No. 1 position.  Hoping that this new book and booklet will be an instrument to hasten the coming of God's Kingdom, we would greatly appreciate your prayers that permission to publish will be granted soon.

Table of Contents

(Top of Page)
("Quick click" to Book 2 Contents)
Click below on any available section of
Be Faithful and Attentive you wish to view.

Introduction:  Author's Introduction to Be Faithful and Attentive


Book 1: Fiat Mihi Secundum Verbum Tuum
An aid to understanding and practicing the Doctrine of the
Divine Will as found in the Book of Heaven



Chapter 1:  Being Faithful and Attentive to the Divine Will:
The Divine Attitude

Chapter 2 (in part):  Necessary Dispositions and Virtues

Chapter 3:  Holy Poverty



Chapter 4:  Beginning Your Day in the Divine Will

Chapter 5:  Clothed in the Divine Will (We refer you to our free
downloadable booklet, Those Who Serve God Should not Follow the Fashions which is nearly identical to this chapter.

Chapter 6:  Performing Your Daily Duties in the Divine Will

Chapter 7:  Visiting the Most Blessed Sacrament in the Dvine Will

Chapter 8:  Holy Mass in the Divine Will

Chapter 9:  Holy Communion in the Divine Will

Chapter 10:  The Sacrament of Penance in the Divine Will

Chapter 11:  Reading and Meditating the Book of Heaven

Chapter 12 (in part):  The Holy Rosary in Rounds

Chapter 13:  Recreation, Meals and Dealings with Others

Chapter 14:  Ending Your Day in the Divine Will



Chapter 15:  A Treasury of Prayers

Chapter 16 (in part):  Third Fiat Hymns

Chapter 17:  Important Dates


Book 2: Advéniat Regnum Tuum
A collection of Rounds in the Divine Will to
Beg His Kingdom come
(Top of Table of Contents)

Introduction to Book 2

Rounds to Begin the Day

Rounds to Begin the Day

Rounds of Creation

An Exchange of Love for All Things in Creation

An Exchange of Love for those Creatures we call "Plants"

An Exchange of Love for those Creatures we call "Animals"

An Exchange of Love for Everything in the Cosmos

Glorifying God's Attributes Hidden in Created Things

An Exchange of Love and Gratitude for Technology and
Modern Conveniences

Rounds of Redemption

An Exchange of Love for the Events of the Old Testament (I)
              [Patriarchs and Prophets - I]

An Exchange of Love for the Events of the Old Testament (II)
              [Patriarchs and Prophets - II]

An Exchange of Love for Jesus in the Womb

The Rounds of Christmas

An Exchange of Love for All the Acts of Jesus' Life (I)

An Exchange of Love for All the Acts of Jesus' Life (II)

An Exchange of Love and Reparation for the Pains and Deaths
of Jesus

An Exchange of Love for All the Acts of Mary's Life (I)

An Exchange of Love for All the Acts of Mary's Life (II)

An Exchange of Love for the Sorrows of the Queen Mother

An Exchange of Love and Thanksgiving to Supplement of the
Saints in their Acts

An Exchange of Love for the Seven Sacraments

Cry of "Sorrow! Pardon!" for each Offense of Man

Rounds of Sanctification

An Exchange of Love for the Works of the Holy Spirit (I)

An Exchange of Love for the Works of the Holy Spirit (II)

Rounds to Divinize All Human Acts

A Prayer by Fr. John Petit to Perfect All Human Suffering

Perfect Act of Correspondence of Love

An Exchange of Love for the Life of Luisa and of Others Who
Have Lived or Will Live in the Divine Will